Russmarrs2 Rise of Sqeegee Wiki
Some weird weegee some random ultimate

His unseen ultimate form

Some weird Weegee some random guy requested in is some weird Weegee some random guy requested in. He makes his debut in The Rise of Sqeegee in a Nutshell (and also makes an appearance in its sequel), and his official debut in The Rise of Sqeegee 7. In both installments, he is defeated by Sqeegee, but don't underestimate this legend. Some weird Weegee some random guy requested in is actually one of the four precursors that makes up The Great Precursor Authority, and symbolizes all of the requests for Fakegees ever made, which is possibly a part of the reason why Russmarrs2 doesn't take in any more requests. As a result, he is incredibly powerful, but he chooses to be defeated quickly to represent the short five-second cameos that each request has when they appear. He is also the youngest and weakest of the precursors.

He also has an ultimate form which turns out to be his true form. In this form, he embodies every overpowered request and every Fakegee requested to defeat Sqeegee. His ultimate form carries all of his power, and as a result, his base form is near powerless.

The Rise of Weegee[]

Some weird Weegee some random guy requested in enters the series quite late in the game, first appearing in the fourth episode. He first appears in a flashback, where he is told to have forged the Ninja Clan, trained Xuigee and Photohon and even taught the former how to access his sage form. He later appears in the present, where it is revealed that Kim Jong-un is his star pupil. He is first seen walking down the prison hallways with Kim, until he discovers Sage Xuinee and his friends imprisoned. He has Kim revert Xuinee back to his base form, only for the three of them to escape, making Kim Jong-un cry. He later follows them to Xuigee's Dojo to berate them for their actions. Afterwards, he sets up a sparring match between Xeegee and Xuigee. While in the middle of a conversation with Military Man, Arieegee is thrown at them, blowing them both up and leaving Some weird Weegee some random guy requested in no choice but to end the match early. He will return in the fifth episode.

The Rise of Sqeegee in a Nutshell[]

Some weird Weegee features in both episodes of The Rise of Sqeegee in a Nutshell, the series in which he made his debut. In the first installment, he has a comically brief fight with Sqeegee, in which he then falls victim to the Sqeegee Stare. He would later return in its sequel, but not until the very end, in which he joined forces with Weegee and Some weird Weegee some random kid kept requesting in because I didn't add him in the last episode to form HyperMax Ultima Omnipotent Sega Mega Drive™ Wario Unlimited, in order to defeat the all-powerful Gangsta Sqeegee.
